Our Ultimate Guide to Caring for Your Linen Bedding
Linen bedding is the perfect touch of comfy luxury in any bedroom. And, since luxury is made to last for life, you have to take proper care of your linens in order to maintain its best qualities. We’ve put together our very own homekeeping how-to on the best practices for caring for linen sheets: how to wash and dry them (and how often), how to prevent discoloration, remove stains, iron, and store them, for the optimal linen experience. You can thank us later!
How to Wash Linen Bedding
- How Often Should You Wash Your Linen Sheets?
Linen is a breathable and absorbent fabric that naturally repels dirt and odors, meaning linen sheets do a lot of the maintenance work for you. But, for best results, you should ideally aim to wash your linen sheets every 1-2 weeks, depending on use. This will prevent the buildup of oils, sweat, and dirt that can damage the fibers and lead to discoloration.
- How to Wash Linen Sheets
We love linen because of its simple nature—this includes its recommended washing regimen! Here’s how you can make the most out of your linen sheets:
1. Check the care label: Always refer to the care label on your linen sheets before washing, to determine the best recommended cleaning method.
2. Use warm or cold water: Wash your linen sheets in warm or cold water to prevent shrinking and to avoid damaging the fibers.
3. Use a gentle detergent: Opt for a mild, eco-friendly detergent that is free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. Avoid using bleach or fabric softener, because they can weaken the fibers and cause discoloration.
4. Wash separately: Wash your linen sheets separately from other fabrics to prevent snagging or pilling. Also, avoid overloading the machine—this can cause the fabric to wrinkle.
5. Hang or lay flat to dry: Remove your linen sheets from the machine immediately after the cycle is complete to prevent wrinkling. Hang or lay the sheets flat to air-dry, avoiding direct sunlight and heat sources.
- How to Dry Linen Sheets
Hang or lay your linen sheets flat to air-dry. Heat can damage the fibers and cause shrinkage, so we recommend avoiding using a dryer if possible. No time to air-dry? Set your dryer on a low heat setting and remove the sheets while they are still slightly damp. This will prevent your sheets from getting too dry or stiff…in other words, not so comfy.
Linen Bedding Care and Maintenance
- How to Prevent Discoloration
Discoloration in linen is normal and a major bummer, but it’s also super preventable! Reasons include but are not limited to: heat exposure, bleach, and other harsh chemicals. The best way to beat it? A little T.L.C.
Pro Tips:
- Use a mild, eco-friendly detergent and avoid harsh chemicals.
- When washing your linen bedding, opt for cool to warm water rather than hot water and avoid over drying it in direct sunlight.
- Store your linen in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight (to help prevent discoloration over time).
With a little extra love, your linen bedding can stay looking bright and beautiful for the long run.
- How to Remove Stains from Linen Bedding
For fresh stains, start by gently blotting the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove as much of the stain as possible. Avoid rubbing because this can just spread the stain to more of the linen.
For more stubborn stains, try a pre-treatment with a gentle stain remover, or D.I.Y. it by mixing equal parts baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and water. Let the mixture sit on the stain for 30 minutes before washing. And finally, when washing your linen bedding, add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help remove any remaining stains and brighten the fabric.
Note: avoid using bleach, which can weaken the fibers and cause further discoloration.
- How to Iron Linen Bedding
One of our favorite features of linen: ironing is totally optional. We love its lived-in look which adds to our cozy chic vibes. But, if you’re team smooth-finish, here’s how we recommend ironing your linen bedding: turn your iron to a low heat setting and smooth over your linen while it’s still slightly damp. Tip: Avoid applying too much pressure or leaving the iron on in one place for too long, because this can cause scorch marks.
- How to Store Linen Bedding
Proper storage is key to keeping your linen bedding in top shape when not in use. Best practice before storing: be sure to wash and completely dry your linen bedding to prevent any potential mold or mildew growth. Then, neatly place your linen in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Pro Tip: Consider using a linen storage bag to help protect your bedding from dust and other potential contaminants. At Grae Cove, provide a complimentary linen storage bag with every linen bedding set so we can help you keep your bedding fresh and clean between uses. Store your linen using these tips, and you’ll absolutely love your linen for life!
"public.customer.create_title": "Créez un compte",
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"public.reviews.title_reviews": "Critiques",
"public.reviews.label_color": "Couleur",
"public.reviews.label_size": "Taille",
"public.reviews.label_quality": "Qualité",
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"public.common.tip_module_empty": "Il n'y a rien",
"public.add_pop.add_to_bag_btn": "Ajoutez au panier",
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"public.add_pop.label_color": "Couleur",
"public.add_pop.label_size": "Taille",
"public.add_pop.size_guide": "Guide des tailles",
"public.add_pop.fit_description": "Description de la Coupe:",
"public.add_pop.fit_type_tag": "Type d'ajustement",
"public.add_pop.fabric": "Tissu",
"public.add_pop.choose_size_tip": "Choisir la taille",
"public.add_pop.choose_color_tip": "Choisir la couleur",
"public.add_pop.lack_size_guide": "Absence de guide des tailles",
"public.add_pop.body_size_tips": "Vérifiez la taille du corps et du produit, ainsi que le guide d'ajustement pour une coupe optimale.",
"public.add_pop.loose_handle": "Il s'agit d'un style ample qui drape subtilement le corps. Si vous souhaitez un look plus ajusté, nous vous recommandons de prendre 1 taille en dessous.",
"public.add_pop.oversized_handle": "Il s'agit d'une coupe extra généreuse et ample. Si vous souhaitez un look plus ajusté, nous vous recommandons de prendre 1 ou 2 tailles en dessous.",
"public.add_pop.slim_fit_handle": "Cette coupe est près du corps avec peu ou pas d'espace entre vous et le vêtement.",
"public.add_pop.standard_fit_handle": "Notre coupe standard est la boucle d'or des coupes - elle n'est ni ample ni serrée. Le vêtement suit la ligne du corps avec un espace pour le mouvement.",
"public.add_pop.model_text": "Le mannequin porte :",
"public.add_pop.model_height": "La taille :",
"public.add_pop.model_bust": "Poitrine :",
"public.add_pop.model_waist": "Tour de taille:",
"public.add_pop.model_hips": "Hanche :",
"public.add_pop.pre_order_text1": "Pré-commande. Expédition prévue le",
"public.add_pop.pre_order_text2": "Pré-commande. Expédition prévue le",
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"public.topbar.delayed_text_tip": "En raison du COVID-19 et de la forte demande, le délai de livraison réel devrait être retardé de 15 à 20 jours ouvrables.",
"product.details.label_product_size": "Taille du produit",
"product.details.label_body_size": "Taille du corps ",
"product.details.size_tip": "Fabriqué à la main avec soin. Pour une recommandation de taille plus précise, reportez-vous au guide des tailles.",
"product.details.pre_order_text1": "Pré-commande. Expédition prévue le <span><%= data.time %></span>",
"product.details.pre_order_text2": "Pré-commande. Expédition prévue le <span><%= data.time %></span>",
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"public.size_guide.pop_title": "Guide des tailles",
"public.size_guide.measurements_title": "Mesures",
"public.size_guide.product_size": "Taille du produit",
"public.size_guide.body_size": "Taille du corps ",
"public.size_guide.country_region": "Pays/Région",
"public.size_guide.bodysize_title": "Comment mesurer votre corps ?",
"public.size_guide.measure_subtext": "Les mesures de ce vêtement ont été mesurées à la main juste pour vous. La taille réelle peut varier de +/- 2 cm.",
"public.size_guide.productsize_title": "Comment mesurer la taille du produit ?",
"public.size_guide.footer_text": "Pour toute question concernant le choix d'une taille, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse <a href=\"mailto:service@graecove.com\">service@graecove.com<\/a>",
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"public.size_guide.model_height": "La taille",
"public.size_guide.model_bust": "Poitrine",
"public.size_guide.model_waist": "Taille",
"public.size_guide.model_hips": "Hanche",
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We're Opening New Doors with LookSky
Hello Grae Cove Fam!
We're closing the doors to Grae Cove. But, we're opening new ones with LookSky.
The same team who brought the best in linen clothing is now switching gears.
Take the guesswork out of shopping in 3 easy steps. LookSky saves you time and money by curating looks you’ll love, according to your body, needs, and style.